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Joan DeBardeleben
Carleton University


Joan DeBardeleben is Chancellor’s Professor in the Institute of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa. She is founder and Director of Carleton University’s EU Centre of Excellence, the Centre for European Studies; she is also Director of the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue (, which is a major Canada-Europe research network funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. DeBardeleben has written extensively on Russian politics, the EU’s relations with its eastern neighbours (including Russia), and topics related to citizen participation and public opinion in both Russia and Eastern Europe. She has recently been a Visiting Researcher at the Mannheim Center for European Social Research (Germany) and at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Berlin). Her most recent edited volumes include Activating the Citizen: Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada, with Jon H. Pammett (2009); The Boundaries of EU Enlargement: Finding a Place for Neighbours (2008); Democratic Dilemmas of Multilevel Governance: Legitimacy, Representation and Accountability in the European Union with Achim Hurrelmann (2007); and Soft or Hard Borders: Managing the Divide in an Enlarged Europe (2005). She is a also a co-author, providing the section on the Russian Federation, of a widely used university textbook, European Politics in Transition (Mark Kesselmann et al, al, 2009), as well as numerous book chapters on EU-Russian relations and Russian domestic politics.





Professor Frédéric Mérand
Université de Montréal


Frédéric Mérand is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Montreal, Visiting Professor of European Studies at LUISS University in Rome, Director of the Centre for International Studies and Research at the University of Montreal, and Director of the Montreal European Union Centre of Excellence. He is associate editor of Politique européenne, the only peer-reviewed journal in French devoted to the European Union.  His work on European security, policy networks, transatlantic relations and the sociology of the European Union can be found in journals such as Security Studies, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Comparative European Politics, and Cooperation and Conflict.




Professor Patrick Leblond
University of Ottawa


Patrick Leblond (MPhil and PhD, Columbia University) is Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa as well as Research Associate at CIRANO (Montreal). He is also Affiliated Professor of International Business at HEC Montreal and visiting professor at the World Trade Institute (Bern, Switzerland) and the University of Barcelona (IELPO LL.M. program). He is a member of Statistics Canada’s International Trade Advisory Committee and an advisor to the Canada-Europe Roundtable for Business. Dr. Leblond has published extensively on financial and monetary integration, banking regulation, international trade and business-government relations, with a particular focus on Europe and North America. Prior to moving to Ottawa, he taught international business at HEC Montreal and worked in accounting and auditing (he holds the title of Chartered Accountant) as well as in corporate finance and strategy consulting for major international accounting and consulting firms.

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