Constitution de l'Association d'études sur la Communauté européenne - Canada
Révisé en mai 2006
L’Association d’études sur la communauté européenne (AECE-C) a été créée en juin 1995 afin de favoriser une compréhension critique du développement historique, des institutions, des politiques, des programmes, des enjeux et des problèmes de l’Union européenne (UE) et de ses États membres. L’AECE-C a pour objectif de développer une communauté de personnes au Canada et en Amérique du Nord intéressées par l’Union européenne et d’accroître le niveau de connaissance de l’Union européenne et de ses États membres. L’Association d'études sur la Communauté européenne – Canada accueille des membres de toutes les disciplines universitaires, ainsi que des secteurs public et privé.
I. Objectifs de l'Association :
L'Association doit promouvoir l'étude et la sensibilisation du public à l'Union européenne et à ses États membres de la manière suivante : en facilitant les projets de recherche et autres travaux de collaboration entre les membres de l'Association ; en encourageant les liens entre l'Association et les associations homologues en Europe et dans d'autres parties du monde ; en facilitant les contacts entre les Canadiens, les Européens et d'autres personnes intéressées par l'Union européenne et les problèmes auxquels elle est confrontée ; en tenant des conférences et des ateliers ; en organisant des panels lors de conférences et d'ateliers parrainés par d'autres organisations ; en diffusant des informations par le biais d'un bulletin d'information et d'un babillard électronique ; en recherchant et en décaissant des fonds pour soutenir les activités de l'Association ; en incitant les membres à s'exprimer publiquement sur les questions européennes ; et en entreprenant d'autres programmes, activités et projets jugés appropriés.
II. Adhésion :
L'adhésion à l'association est ouverte à toutes les personnes ayant payé une cotisation biennale. La cotisation biennale est fixée par le Conseil d'Administration et approuvée par l'Assemblée Générale biennale de l'Association.
III. Finances:
The Association shall collect and expend monies derived from membership dues and other sources. The Association shall seek and disburse funds by itself and in cooperation with other organizations.
IV. Structure and Organization:
a. The organs of the Association shall be the Governing Board, (henceforth referred to as the Board), an Advisory Council, and the Association Meeting. The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer.
b. The Executive Committee (henceforth refereed to as the Executive) shall consist of the officers of the association. “The Governing Board shall consist of the Executive, four members and one YRN representative. At its discretion the Board may include the immediate past president to serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive.
c. Election of Officers and members of the Board:
Officers of the association and members of the Executive shall be elected for two year terms, commencing with the date of the Association Meeting, or failing that, June 1st of the year in which the election has taken place.
Election shall be by secret ballot among all members in good-standing on January 1st of the year in which the election is to take place.
A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board at least three months prior to the election. The Nominating Committee shall put out a call for nominations and shall propose at least one candidate per office or position on the board. The list shall be distributed to members in good standing at least one month prior to the election.
Election shall be by secret ballot. The Nominating Committee shall arrange for counting of the ballots. The candidate or candidates with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie for members of the Executive or the Board, those members of the Board who have been duly elected shall take one of the following actions:
schedule a new election
invite both candidates to serve on the Board
settle the matter by lot
V. Functions of the Executive Committee and the Board:
a. The President, with the Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and other members of the Board are responsible for achieving the objectives of the Association as outlined in article 1. The Board is empowered to appoint a nominating committee, a programme committee, and all other committees which it deems appropriate.
b. The President shall conduct all meetings of the Board and the Association and shall submit regular reports on the Association’s activities. In the event that the President is unable to attend a meeting, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President for that meeting. In the event the Vice-President is also unable to attend, then the Secretary-Treasurer shall assume the duties of the President for that meeting.
c. In the event the Board is unable to convene either in one location or via teleconference, the Executive may act for the Board. However, all such actions taken in the name of the board shall be sent to members of the board, both to notify them of actions taken, ask for their approval within one weeks time.
d. All major decisions, including those concerning applications for grants, contracts, or hiring of personal shall be vetted by the Executive and the entire Board. If at all possible, all major decisions should be made in consultation with the Executive and the Board.
VI. Advisory Council:
a. The Advisory Council shall consist of up to fifteen distinguished individuals interested in the European Union. Its members shall be invited to serve by the Executive Committee
b. The Advisory Council shall assist the Executive and the Board in achieving the objectives of the Association.
VII. Association Meeting:
a. The Association Meeting shall be the plenary organ of the Association.
b. Association meetings shall be held no less than once every two years.
VIII. Procedures:
a. Unless otherwise specified, decisions shall be by simple majority vote.
b. Unless otherwise specified, the Association will follow the rules of procedure specified in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
IX. Amendments:
a. Amendments to this constitution must be approved by two thirds of the members casting valid ballots in a mail ballot.
b. Ballots shall be sent to members in good standing at least three weeks prior to the date on which ballots are to be submitted.
X. Adoption:
a. This constitution shall come into effect immediately if it is approved by two thirds of those members present and voting at the May, 2006 Association Meeting.
b. The 2006 Association Meeting is empowered to elect a Board and Executive who will serve until the 2008 Association Meeting or failing that May 31, 2008. Subsequent elections shall be conducted as specified in article 4, section c.