9-11 MAI 2018
La conférence 2018 a été organisée par l’Université York et a eu lieu à l’ hôtel Hilton (145 Richmond St. W) au cœur du centre-ville de Toronto.
Agnès Hubert est responsable politique européenne, auteure et militante pour l’égalité des sexes dans l’Union européenne. Elle est actuellement chercheuse associée au PRESAGE (Programme de Recherches et d’Enseignements des Savoirs sur le Genre) de Science Po/OFCE Paris, professeure sur les inégalités de genre et les politiques européennes au Collège d’Europe à Bruges. Elle est également membre fondatrice et présidente du premier think tank féministe européen, « Gender Five Plus » (G5+) et membre associée de la commission internationale et européenne du Haut Conseil de l’Egalité français. Economiste de formation, elle a été journaliste avant de rejoindre la Commission européenne où elle était en charge de l’égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes dans les années 90. Elle a ensuite occupé des fonctions de conseillère senior au sein du groupe de réflexion de la Commission, de l’équipe du livre blanc sur la gouvernance européenne et du Parlement européen, en mettant l’accent sur les questions de genre. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages (L’Europe et les femmes, identités en mouvement, 1998 ; Démocratie et société de l’information en Europe 1997), de documents politiques majeurs sur l’innovation sociale pour le Bureau des conseillers en politiques européennes de la Commission européenne (« Empowering people, driving change: Social innovation in the European Union », 2010 ; et « Social innovation a decade of changes », 2014), et de nombreux articles et contributions universitaires dans les domaines de l’égalité des sexes et de l’intégration européenne, de l’innovation sociale et au-delà du PIB.
‘Europe Day’ Events across Toronto
10.30 –13.30: "Uncovering the CETA Opportunity‟
13.00 –19.00: Conference Registration and YRN Sign-in
14.00 –16.30: Young Researchers Network (YRN) Event
18.15 –21.00: Keynote and Welcome Reception
18.15 –18.30: Welcome Remarks, Heather MacRae and Ruben Zaiotti, ECSA-C Co-chairs
18.30 –19.30: Keynote Lecture: "Building citizenship in a diverse European Union‟ Agnès Hubert, College of Europe.
19.30 –21.00: Reception& Refreshments
10 MAY
08.15 –16.30: Conference Registration
08.30 –09.00: Break & Refreshments
09.00–10.45: Panel Session 1
10.45 –11.00: Break & Refreshments
11.00 –12.45: Panel Session 2
12.45 –14.15: Canada-EU Business Roundtable Luncheon [box lunch for first 20 attendees]
14.15 –16.00: Panel Session 3
16.00 –16.15: Break & Refreshments (sponsored by U of T Press)
16.15 –17.45: Special Roundtable Session A: Authors Meet Critics: European Union Governance and Policy Making. A Canadian Perspective. U of T Press, 2018. Special Roundtable Session B: Expert knowledge in the age of declining trust in the media‟.
18.30 –21.00: JCMS Annual Review Roundtable & Reception
11 MAY
08.00 -09.30: ECSA-C Board Breakfast Meeting -Boardmembers only* (Tundra Restaurant @ Hilton)
08.15 –13.00: Conference Registration (Mezzanine –Second Floor)
09.30 –11.15: Panel Session4
11.15 –11.30: Break & Refreshments
11.30 –13.15: ECSA-C General Membership Meeting [box lunch for first 60 (Governor General –Main)
13.30 –15.15: Panel Session 5
MAY 9 YRN EVENT: 14.00-16.30
A Roundtable: Multitasking during the PhD
Chair/Discussant: Ahmed Hamila
Heather MacRae Theofanis Exadaktylos and Pablo Ouziel
B Outreach: Community Engagement, and Social Media for Aspiring Academics
Chair/Discussant: Juliette Dupont
Beate Schmidtke “Academic engagement online and on social media”
Oliver Schmidtke “Outreach, Community Engagement and Social Media for Aspiring Academics"
Pablo Ouziel “Challenges to engage in public outreach as a young scholar”
Kim Chorong “Examples of video profiles for young scholars”
MAY 10: SESSION 1: 9.00-10.45
1A) Roundtable: Illiberal democracy in Central and EasternEurope.What –if anything –can the EU do?
Chair/Discussant: Achim Hurrelman
Andrea Wagner, Attila Antal, Maria Popova and David Ost
1B) 21st Century implications for Trade Deals
Chair/Discussant: Tuna Baskoy
Stefanie Rosskopf “What the Doctor Ordered or a Hail Mary: Progressive Trade Policy After Brexit& Trump”
Valerie D'Erman “Mixed Competencies, and Mixed Messages? EU Authority and Second-Generation‟ Deals”
Patrick Leblond “The Three Worlds of Data and Information Governance: Implications for Digital Trade”
Mario Barata “CETA & The Autonomy And Unity Of European Union Law”
1C) Laws of Accession & Convergence
Chair/Discussant: Jess Guth
Femke Gremmelprez “Allowing liberal EE Member States Within The EU: Institutions and Law”
Laurent Pech “Rule of Law Backsliding in Europe”
Oliver Schwarz “EU membership policy at the crossroads: Analyzing the processes of accession and withdrawal”
Natalia Fiedziuk “Between convergence and divergence: towards a more coherent EU legal order”
1D) Climate, Environment and Aviation Policies
Chair/Discussant: GiadaLaganà
Francis McGowan “Policy Learning or Politics as Usual? Explaining the Evolution of European Renewable Policies since the Financial Crisis”
Alfred Tovias “Open sky agreements of the EU with non-member Mediterranean countries”
Johannes Müller Gómez “Diffusion of EU climate norms in Canada: A case study on the European Emissions Trading System and the Western Climate Initiative”
MAY 10: SESSION 2: 11.00-12.45
2A) Trans-Atlantic Trade in a New Era
Chair: Carolyn Dudek/ Discussant: Michelle Egan
Carolyn Dudek “Why Won‟t Europeans Eat American Food? The Trans-Atlantic Trade Impasse on Agriculture”
Laurie Buonanno “Political Mythmaking and Opposition in Europe to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”
Sara Norrevik “Trade Policy Preferences Under Comprehensive Trade Agreements and RecentTrade Skepticism”
Holly Jarman “Populist Rhetoric and the Transatlantic Trade Relationship”
2B) Nearby Tensions: Changes in EU relations with neighbouring states
Chair/Discussant:Andrea Wagner
Joan DeBardeleben “EU Policy Change and Russian Reactions
AidarDossymov "Since the Ukraine Crisis”
Irena Mnatsakanyan "The Quest for Coherence: EU Crisis Management in its Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of South Ossetia”
Ramunas Vilpisauskas “The EU and Eastern Partnership Countries: An Inside Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment”
Ebru Turhan “The Evolution of an “Extended” External Differentiated Integration:Turkey & theEU”
2C) Right wing populism in Western Europe
Chair/Discussant: Francisco Beltran
Sabrina Paillé “Right-wing populism in Germany: the case of Pegida”
Morgan Le Corre-Juratic/Dylan Mollard “Populist Radical Right Parties, Euroscepticism and Protectionism: Explaining the French National Front‟s change of position”
Oliver Schmidtke “Anti-immigrant Nationalism: The Discursive Roots of Right-wing Populist Mobilization in EU”
Robert Sata “European politics in times of crisis –Populist nationalism as the breaker of the EU?”
Joelle Grogan “Unpopular Values in the Age of Populism”
2D) Gendered and Racialized implications of EU Policy
Chair/Discussant: Heather MacRae
Elaine Weiner “Men and the Mainstream: The Integration of Men into the EU's gender Equality Agenda”
Jess Guth “Gendering the External Dimension of the EU's Migration Policy: Challenges, Pitfalls and Missed Opportunities”
Akaysha Huminski “Gender Equality myths and the reality in European welfare regimes: ideal worker narrative”
Jeremy Bierbach “Falling in love with a single market: recognition of de facto partnerships and same-sex marriage for EU citizens”
MAY 10: SESSION 3: 14:15-16.00
Canada-EU Business Roundtable Luncheon
Chair/DiscussantPatrick Leblond
Burkard Eberlein "The Significance of CETA in a world of populist anti-globalization and eroding multilateralism"
Mireille Focquet "CETA: New opportunities for the Renewables and Clean-tech Industries‟
Klaus Meyer "Business Opportunities in Canada –EU Relations "
MAY 10: ROUNDTABLE LUNCH: 12.45-14.15
3A) Policing the Body: Gender, Sexuality and the Politics of Mobility
Chair: Juliette Dupont / Discussant: Laurie Beaudonnet
Ahmed Hamila “Europeanisation of SOGI Asylum Policy: the Case of France”
Elsa Tyszler “Au-delaÌ€de la « victime de traite » et du sauteur de barrieÌ€re”
Laure Sizaire/Nouri Rupert “Les nouvelles polices de l‟intime :une approche comparative des pratiques consulairesau Maroc et en Russie”
Juliette Dupont “Towards a two-standard mobility regime: variations of race and class in attribution practices of Schengen visas”
3B) Student Mobility and Education Policy across the Atlantic
Chair/Discussant: Laura Waddell
Gregor Schaefer “Europeanization of mobile academics in a united European Research Area”
Conrad King “Unity and Diversity in Higher Education: the Effects of Europeanization on Canadian Universities”
MerliTamtik “International Education as Public Policy –ComparingPolicy Approaches in Canada & EU”
3C) Social Democracy and Crises
Chair/Discussant:Ruben Zaiotti
Grant Amyot “The Missing Alternative? Social Democracy in the Eurozone Crisis”
Aaron Stacey “Social Democracy and the Challenge of the EU”
Nicole Morar “The European Integration Project: Neoliberalism, Crisis and Populism”
Rufat Babayev “Changing social solidarity at EU level in pre-and post the Brexit Vote”
Lyubov Zhyznomirsk “Normative Power Europe and The UkrainianCase inEU Democracy Promotion, 1994-2018”
3D) Europe after Brexit
Chair: Willem Maas / Discussant: Janet Laible
Willem Maas “EU Citizenship and Free Movement after Brexit
Michelle Egan “Brexit and the Single Market”
Scott Greer “The political economy of social Europe after Brexit”
Holly Jarman “European Union Trade Policy in the Wake of the Brexit Vote”
1) “Authors meet critics: European Union Governance and Policy Making. A Canadian Perspective(U of T Press, 2018)
Chair/Discussant Ruben Zaiotti
AUTHORS: Amy Verdun, Achim Hurrelmann, Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly
CRITICS: Willem Maas, Costanza Musu, Laurie Buonannoii)
2) Roundtable: Expert knowledge in an age of declining trust in media
Chair/DiscussantOliver Schmidtke
Oliver Schmidtke, Doug Saunders, Roberta Guerrina and Dennis Pilon
MAY 10: JCMS ANNUAL REVIEW (Offsite):18.30-21.00
JCMS Annual Review Roundtable: The EU in ChallengingTimes
Chairs: Theofanis Exadaktylos & Roberta Guerrina
Daphne Halikiopoulou “Right-wing populism and the new nationalism in Europe”
AkwugoEmejulu “Austerity and the Politics of Becoming”
Muireann O'Dwyer “European Economic Governance in 2017: A Recovery for Whom?”
Amy Verdun “Institutional Architecture of the Euro Area”
May 11: SESSION 4: 9.30-11.15
4A) Populism, Instability and Nationalism: Is Political Risk on the Rise in Europe?
Chair/Discussant: Julian Campisi
Johannes Leitner “Political Risks back in the Core:Hannes Meissner How European companies manage the new rise of political risks”
Francisco Beltran “Is nationalism a menace for liberal democracy?”
Cecilia Sottilotta “The Strategic Use of Government-Sponsored Referendums in Contemporary Europe: A new form of political risk”
Pia Morar “Identity, Immigration, and Islam in the Visegrad Four”
4B) Across 2 Oceans: The Evolving EU Trade and Investment relationship with East Asia and North America
Chair: Marc Cheng/ Discussant: Ruben Zaiotti
Robert Finbow “CETA as a progressive model fortrade?Assessing its potential in comparative context”
Chen-Huei Wu “In Search of the EU‟s Grand Trade Strategy: TPP for the US/Japan, RCEP for China, What for the EU”
Catherine Li “The EU‟s Proposal Regarding the Establishment of the Investment Court System and Its Implications for Asia”
Helena Guimaraes “Sub-national markets and trade policy-
Michelle Egan "Making in Canada and the US: what lessons can the EU provide?”
4C) National and European Parliamentary & Party Processes
Chair/Discussant: Amy Verdun
Katarzyna Granat “The Principle of Subsidiarity and its Enforcement in the EU Legal Order under the EWS”
Ben Crum “Restructuring the Party-Political Space in the European Parliament”
Maria Alvarez “Critics and opponents of integration in times of the European Communities: Eurosceptic Members of the European Parliament in the 1st-3rd Parliaments”
Achim Hurrelmann “Framing the Eurozone Crisis: Debates in Anna Gora National Parliaments, 2009-2014”
Laurie Beaudonnet “Nationalist Parties: Understanding the European turn”
4D) Identity and Immigration: Language Policy, Minorities and Integration
Chair/Discussant: Willem Maas
Neriman Hocaoglu “The Role Of The European Union‟s Bahadır Language Policy In The ConstructionOf European Identity”
Mattias Derlen “United in (Linguistic) Diversity? Brexit and the EU Language Regime”
Laura Sanchez “Immigration Policy in France 2013: Martinez The Case of the Roma Ethnic Minority”
Nathan Tarr “The Multiple Meanings of Sharia and What Muslims Think of it in the European Union"
May 11: SESSION 5: 13.30-15.15
5A) Small States and European Realities
Chair Julian Campisi / Discussant Steve Hellman
Helga Hallgrimsdottir / Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly “On fish, foes, and friends in need: Understanding the collapse of Iceland's bid to join the EU”
Matteo Giglioli “Populism, Personalization, Plutocracy: Three Mitteleuropean Cases”
Andrea Wagner “Romania‟s Transition and European Integration: The Curious History of a Kleptocratic Democracy”
Giada Laganà “The Europeanization of the Northern Ireland peace process and the Anglo-Irish dimension of the Northern Ireland conflict”
5B) Border Regimes and Asylum Policies
Chair/Discussant:Joan DeBardeleben
Darius Ribbe / Laura Kristin Eder “Deconstructing“the refugee(s)” in the political debate on the policies of the European Migration Regime”
Ruben Zaiotti “Schengen will never die: the future of the EU border regime in times of turmoil”
Alina Thieme “Non-compliance with the European asylum acquis?”
Mulry Mondelice “Assessing the cooperation and the (in)consistency between the humanitarian aid and the human rights diplomacy of the European Union in the complex Syrian crisis”
Hester Kroeze “The Substance of Rights -New Pieces of the Ruiz Zambrano Puzzle”
5C) Monetary Union, Banking and Fiscal Policy
Chair/Discussant:Grant Amyot
Tuna Baskoy “The Role of Market Competition in European Integration”
David Cleeton “Bank Risk Measurement Associated with Sovereign Debt Holdings: Exploring EBA Balance-Sheets”
Brent Toye “The Consolidation State and Fiscal Federalism: Comparing Canada and Germany”
Phil Giurlando “IR Theory Meets the Euro”
Daniel F. Schulz / Valerie D'erman/ Amy Verdun “When do member states follow EU recommendations under the European Semester and Why?”
5D) Contemporary Problems of European Democracy: Can Political Theory help?
Chair/Discussant: Terry Maley
Thibault Biscahie “A new pro-EU Populism. Macron's Election through Gramscian Eyes”
Iain Webb “Post-modern (dis)integration-The British Radical Right's journey to Brexit'”
Andrew Jones “The European Political Theories of the American Alt-Right”
Giuseppe Moliterni “Democratic empowerment through language games: lessons from the 2, 3, 5th enlargement”
Hailey Murphy “Demagoguery and Democracy: Anti-Intellectualism in the Brexit Debate”
5E) Voting Behaviour and The Politics of Perception
Chair/Discussant: Oliver Schmidtke
Andrea Fumarola “Responsible and competent? How Immigration Shapes Accountability in the EU”
Stefan Haussner “Social Equality and Voter Turnout in European Capitals”
Anne-Marie Houde/ Laura Uyttendaele/ Ava Receveur/ Eva Gerland “Pourquoi des europhiles votent-ils pourdes partis eurosceptiques?” “The Great Recession and Public Perception" "Towards Immigration: The Case of Western Europe"